Special offer for free subscribers: 25% off!

I appreciate your loyalty. But hey, if you wanna upgrade, now's a great time!

Special offer for free subscribers: 25% off!

Hi folks!

This email is only going out to Cup of Coffee’s free subscribers. The folks who read on Thursdays.

While, obviously, the main product of Cup of Coffee is the daily newsletter for paid subscribers, having your eyes on my writing even just once a week does a hell of a lot for me. A writer writes because he or she wants to reach readers and I am extremely grateful to have you as weekly readers.

That said, I would LOVE it if you chose to upgrade to a paid plan. To that end — and as a thank you for your loyalty these past two years — I am offering you 25% off an annual subscription:

This offer, which will be available over the next seven days, is ONLY for current free subscribers and can only be taken advantage of via the link above. Anyone who walks in off the street to subscribe is paying full freight. You all have earned the discount because of your loyalty and support.

If going to a paid plan is not something you’re able to do right now, or if it’s simply not something you’re interested in, hey, that’s totally cool. I’ll still send out a free newsletter every Thursday and I’ll still be happier than all get-out to have you read. But if you’ve been on the fence — if you’ve been tempted to upgrade — now’s a great time to do it.

Thanks so much,

Craig Calcaterra