Welcome to Cup of Coffee

Welcome to Cup of Coffee

If you’re getting this already, you’re pretty clever. Or else I’m bad at keeping secrets. But welcome to Cup of Coffee!

Cup of Coffee is a daily baseball newsletter from me, Craig Calcaterra, that is live as of today and which will begin updating every weekday morning beginning on Monday, August 17. I’m going to make official announcements about it on social media and everywhere else I can think of later this morning.

As I said in the Coming Soon post, Cup of Coffee’s mission is to give you a quick, entertaining, and informative one-stop daily baseball briefing before you have your first cup of coffee. Each morning’s email will include:

  • And That Happened: Craig’s venerable daily recap of the previous night’s games;
  • A digest of all the significant baseball news as the day begins; and
  • Craig’s commentary, putting all of that news into perspective and context.

When big, big news breaks, you’ll get supplemental emails with an instant analysis of everything you need to know about it. And you’ll get it before anyone else knows what the hell is going on.

Cup of Coffee will give either the casual or obsessive baseball fan everything they need to know without the need to comb a half dozen sports sites. Without popup ads or autoplay videos. Without the spin and propaganda you get from the league, from teams or from sports media, most of which is beholden to the league and its teams.

You’ll also likely get a lot of my other musings. I tend to ramble on about movies and politics and my family and TV shows from 1974 and crap. Again, if you’ve read me for a while, you know the drill.

If you’re getting this it means you already signed up. And that’s great. But for this to be everything you, me, and baseball fans want it to be, we’re gonna need to spread the word. So, I’m asking you: tell anyone you know who cares even a little bit about baseball to at least give it a look. Give out gift subscriptions if you’re willing and able to. Any little bit you can do would mean very, very much.

As a tease, the first couple of entries next week will be free to everyone. After that it’ll go mostly behind the paywall with occasional free posts.

So folks, again, thank you for coming. Now, mash the hell out of this button, OK:

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